Saturday, July 10, 2021

Nora Brides of the Oregon Trail 9; by Cynthia Woolf



Brides of the Oregon Trail 9; by Cynthia Woolf

Cynthia has another great book here! I loved seeing Ben and Nora again, and the rest of Bens family that we meet in Rebecca and Charlotte books earlier.

Ben fell in love with Nora on the Trail moving to Oregon but, Nora was a mail order bride and promised to another. She refused to break that promise.

Now time has passed, and a lot has changed. Nora is a widow with a baby and trying to make it on her own. She is also very independent now.  Ben is determined to marry her and not let her get away this time, as there is no other man in the way. So, when a misunderstanding happens, he marries her right away. She is mad and going to make Ben work for this marriage. However, trouble comes knocking on her door from Nora’s late husbands’ family and Ben promises to keep them all safe. Can Ben keep the family he has wanted for so long safe, or will he lose it all?

* I received a free advance review copy of this book and am voluntarily providing my honest review.